Achieve the perfect coffee with our brewing methods


1. Preheat the machine and portafilter.
2. Grind 18g of coffee to a fine consistency (machine dependent, most home machines are 18g).
3. Tamp evenly and tamp hard, body weight will suffice.
4. Brew for 28 seconds to create 36-40ml of total espresso.

Recommended Coffee: Genesis blend


1. Add 60g coarsely ground coffee to the press.
Boil water then pour 1L.
2. Stir gently then let brew sit for 4 minutes.
3. Do not plunge. Sit the plunger lid/filter on top of the water and gently/slowly pour out brew, aiming not to disrupt grinds.

Recommended Coffee: Midnight blend.


1. Place a filter in the dripper and rinse with hot water.
2. Add 15g medium coffee grounds.
3. Pour 50ml water (96-100°C) to bloom for 30 seconds.
4. Pour remaining 200ml in a spiral motion from inside to outside repeatedly over the next 90 seconds.

Recommended Coffee: Limited Edition singles


1. Place a filter in the cap and rinse.
2. Add 15g medium-fine coffee.
3. Pour 96-100ml hot water, stir for 10 seconds.
4. Press gently for 30 seconds.

Recommended Coffee: Brazil Single Origin.


1. Fill the base with water up to the valve.
2. Add 15g medium/fine-ground coffee to the basket.
3. Assemble and place on medium heat.
Brew until coffee fills the top chamber.

Recommended Coffee: Old Faithful blend.


1. Add 100g coarsely ground coffee to a jar.
2. Pour 1L cold water and stir.
3. Steep for 12-24 hours in the fridge.
4. Strain through a fine mesh.

Recommended Coffee: Brazil Single Origin.


1. Add 60g medium-coarse coffee to the filter basket.
2. Fill the machine with 1L water.
3. Start the brewing process; it takes about 4-5 minutes.

Recommended Coffee: Filter coffee options.

Mastering Coffee Brewing Methods: How to Brew the Perfect Cup at Home

Mastering different coffee brewing methods can elevate your coffee experience, whether you're using an espresso machine, French press, or cold brew setup. Knowing how to brew coffee the right way starts with selecting the best method for your taste and equipment. For espresso, grind your beans fine and brew for 25-30 seconds, while a French press requires coarsely ground coffee and a four-minute steep. Other popular coffee brewing methods include the AeroPress, pour over (V60), and stovetop Moka pot, each offering a unique flavour profile. Explore our detailed guides and find out how to brew coffee perfectly at home with the best coffee blends for each method.

Coffee Dad Bundle - Margaret River Roasting Co
Coffee Dad Bundle - Margaret River Roasting Co